On Netflix there is an animated TV series by the title Yasuke. This series was directed/produced by LeSean Thomas. He has credits in other animated titles like Black Dynamite, Children of Ether, and Cannon Busters. The series runs for six (6) episodes with approximately thirty (30) minutes run time and follows the adventures of an African Slave, (Yasuke) who becomes a … [Read more...] about Yasuke (Netflix TV Series) Review
Screen Review: Final Space
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=155&v=4EHbt_kSkG8 Final Space is a 2018 Animated, Sci-fi Action/Adventure Sitcom that is a TBS original show , that at the date of this review spans over on one season with ten episodes approximately 22 minutes each. The series creation is accredited to Olan Rogers and David Sacks and is slated for a second season. The … [Read more...] about Screen Review: Final Space